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Green Sea Turtle

Green Sea Turtle


► Sea Turtles are a critically endangered species
► Leading causes of turtle mortality are poaching, pollution - particularly plastic bags, which they mistake for jellyfish; and entanglement in fishing lines, driftnets, trawlers and other irresponsible commercial fishing practices
► Fewer than 1% of sea turtles survive to sexual maturity at age 25
► Sea Turtles are Not monogamous
► Sea Turtles eat Jellyfish and are never stung
► Sea turtles travel thousands of miles and return to the same beach where they hatched to nest; to lay their eggs
► Artificial lighting, development, erosion other factors often cause turtles to nest in other areas
► Cayman Turtle Farm has released over 31,000 Sea Turtles to date
► Sadly, an organization by the name of WSPA is aggressively trying to SHUT DOWN the Cayman Turtle Farm
► Please Just say NO to WSPA!
► Want Proof? That WSPA cares only about publishing unverified, unproven sensationalist claims to impassion people to donate to their worthless organization

Written by : Hasan Mukta - B

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